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Learn to Sew

Learn to Sew
Ages 7-Up

6 Week Session


Sept 16,23,30

Oct 7,21,28​



​​​$120.00  plus $20.00 Supply Fee

Students will need to bring their own sewing machines.  PCA has 1 or 2 that could be borrowed in a pinch. But we do not have sewing machines for everyone.

Students will learn foundational sewing skills through creating a doll set. These pieces will develop skills such as; cutting, measuring, pattern following, hand sewing, embellishments and beginner use of a sewing machine. We will also be utilizing problem solving and motor skills. By the end of the class students will be able to take home their very own hand crafted toys and life skills.

Little House on the Prairie inspired doll set includes; Rag Doll, apron and bonnet, bedding and pillow 

The pillow will introduce the sewing machine, patterns, and stuffing. We will go over how to use a sewing machine before starting this project

With this project students will further their skills with a sewing machine. They will also learn how to hem and how to iron open seams.

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